Endangered Species III (2020)
Plexiglas, nuts and bolts, 48x100x48cm.
We live in times of change. Recent events beyond human control shifted our boundaries, contained and constrained our movements and made our securities disappear in a flash. We have become acutely aware that within the beauty and magnificence of nature lurks many a fearful and dangerous threat to the existence of the human race.
Endangered Species I (2020)
Plexiglas, nuts & bolts, 50x60x30cm
For these works, I have been inspired by the phenomena of metamorphosis in nature; a process where an organism changes after an episode of rest into a new and spectacularly different being. I 'copied' this process by re-making and transforming an interactive work :
(Every Fish is a Desalination-Plant- 2019). 
Made for Art Utrecht (2019) for a container at the Dom.
Here in the exposition area of ArtTheHague 2019.

Endangered Species II (2020)
Plexiglas, nuts & bolts, 60x50x40cm
The title refers to our natural instinct to survive and not become an extinct species. The title also 'play' with the call for plastic to be become 'extinct' as a fabrication material. 
Endangered Species IV (2020)
Plexiglas, nuts & bolts, 750x120x50cm
My material of choice is often a mix of plexiglas, wood, nuts and bolts. For me it refers to our intertwined lives with natural and man-made objects. Although plastics are "derived from natural, organic materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course crude oil", we somehow manage to make very 'un-natural things from it.  (Definition https://www.plasticseurope.org)
I am still working on some of the pieces and hope to build an installation when all pieces are transformed. I am also using all the bolts & nuts and off-cuts to make a complete "Metamorphosis".

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