Material Accomplishment I (2020)
Plexiglas, board, nuts & bolts, 50x40cm
The title refers to the problem that we have with plastic as a production material. We are so part of this industry and almost our entire lively hoods have improved with te use of plastic. How can we ever live without the benefits in health safety and longevity of products etc? We have so many uses for plastic that it would be extremely difficult to eradicate it as a material.
Material Accomplishment II (2020)
Plexiglas, board, nuts & bolts, 70x40cm
We have built a whole industry around plastic, never dreaming that it would overwhelm us as a waste product, now found everywhere from in our food to drinking water to the soil etc. In these collages I used the left over pieces of previous work to try and portray the plastic-ness and also to show evidence of greenery and organic shapes as a symbol of the suffering we have brought on other natural beings and their surroundings.
Installation Material Accomplishments I & II
I displayed the work on a sort of easel where only paintings on canvas 'should' be seen. Almost daring to display such a 'hated' material on a stand. We all agree that we should reduce plastic waste, but on the other hand we have bought into this industry. If we are honest, we should admit that we actually value its properties and will find it extremely difficult to live without it. Good news is that a new bacterium strain has been found that can break down plastic and also use it for energy while doing it. ( article by Damian Carrington)