This year Object Rotterdam was held in the HAKA building in Vierhaven street in Rotterdam from 9-11 February 2018. "Built in the early 1930s, the HAKA building in Rotterdam is a former factory that has been converted into a recycled office space, or “Clean Living Lab”, by architect Doepel Strijkers." More than a 100 contemporary designers participated and guests from all over Europe visited the expo. My allocated space was a sunny corner on the second floor. For a few hours during the day, the sun was pouring in through the windows and the visitors had to cup their eyes against the glare.
Two Frogs (2017)
45x45x45cm. Perspex.
During short periods of the day the play of light showed off the luminosity of the objects. 
Frog's Eye 2018
45x40x10cm. Perspex light box with LED's and dimmer switch.
Embryo 2018
30x30x9cm.  Perspex light box with LED's and dimmer switch.
Since the building is a declared monument, I made 'stands' for the work, so I didn't have to drill unnecessarily into the concrete walls.
Mating Frogs- Blue & Black 2018
25x25x8cm. light box with LED's and dimmer switch.
These two eyes are the 'exact' copies of two mating frogs. I just 'removed' the bodies. I am fascinated by the African Red Toad (Schismaderma carens) and their ability to live alongside humans. I captured their mating ritual in a pond in Gauteng, Randburg in December 2017.
Pond Master 2017
55x50x45cm. Perspex
The African Red Toad is not endangered and are listed under "Least Concern", since they have adapted to live in close proximity of human habitats in polluted water. Their tadpoles 'developed' a flap on their heads to capture oxygen from above the surface of the water. Normally tadpoles breath through their skins in clean oxygenated water and do not go up for air.
I met many wonderful people and enjoyed their comments and critiques.
As the day proceeded, the light shifted and the objects gained a life of their own.
Frog's Jungle 2018- Detail
45x40x10cm. Perspex light box with LED's and dimmer switch.
Looking closely into an amphibian's eyes, is not something we do every day. When I enlarged my photos of the mating frogs I was stunned by the jewel-like beauty of their eyes.

Embryo 2018 -Detail
30x30x9cm.  Perspex light box with LED's and dimmer switch.